6 Best Ways to Get Rid of Mice

Getting rid of mice can be a headache since mice can be a common nuisance in households, posing health risks and causing property damage. If you’re dealing with these unwanted guests, fret not! 

This comprehensive guide will explore the seven best ways to eliminate mice effectively and prevent their return. 

How Do I Get Rid of Mice?

We’ve got you covered from simple DIY solutions to helpful info on contacting professional pest control services!

1. Seal Entry Points

The first step in mouse control is preventing them from entering your home. Mice can squeeze through tiny openings, so inspect your property for gaps, cracks, and holes. Seal these entry points using steel wool, caulk, or expanding foam. Focus on areas around doors, windows, pipes, and vents to create a barrier against these rodents.

Diagno Pest Pro Tip: It can be challenging because mice can fit into very tiny openings, even as little as one-quarter of an inch or more. A reliable guideline is that if a crack, hole, or opening is large enough to accommodate a pencil, it is also accessible to a mouse.

2. Maintain Cleanliness

While good sanitation practices may not eliminate mice, inadequate cleanliness may attract them.  A few scraps here and there are all mice need to stay alive. Did you know mice can live on just three to four grams of food daily? 

Here are our top tips to maintain cleanliness in your home and avoid mice:

  • Regularly sweep and vacuum floors
  • Clean crumbs from counters
  • Store food in airtight containers 
  • Dispose of trash regularly
  • Avoid leaving pet food out overnight. 

Mice are attracted to food sources, so keeping your home clean is essential.  By denying mice access to food, you discourage them from making your home their haven.

Diagno Pest Pro Tip: Mice can chew through almost anything, even concrete, because their front teeth are very sharp. Make sure you dispose of/lock trash properly because plastic bags are no match for these hungry animals.

3. Use Natural Repellents

Consider using natural repellents to deter mice. Peppermint oil, for instance, has a strong scent that mice dislike. Soak cotton balls in peppermint oil and place them in strategic areas. Additionally, sachets of dried bay leaves or cloves can effectively keep mice at bay. These natural alternatives repel mice and add a pleasant fragrance to your home.

Diagno Pest Pro Tip: It might seem easier to use peppermint oil to get rid of mice than to follow a step-by-step plan, but the oil by itself won’t work in the end.

4. Set Traps Strategically

Traps are a traditional yet effective method for getting rid of mice. Snap traps, electronic traps, and glue traps are popular choices. Place traps in areas where mice are likely to travel, such as along walls and near food sources.

The conventional wooden snap traps are effective for managing mouse populations that are of low to moderate intensity. However, it is important to note that many individuals tend to underestimate the severity of mouse infestations. It is not unusual to set up twelve traps for a single mouse – or what you believe to be a single mouse. 

Diagno Pest Pro Tip: Check and empty traps regularly, and be sure to use bait that is attractive to mice. Possible bait options for mice include the food they have been consuming in your home or preferred choices such as chocolate, peanut butter, bacon, oatmeal, dried fruit, or hazelnut spread.

5. Adopt a Cat

Cats are natural hunters and can be excellent mouse deterrents. If you’re an animal lover, consider adopting a cat to help control the mouse population in your home. The mere presence of a cat can often be enough to keep mice at bay, and their hunting instincts will make them proactive in dealing with any unwanted rodent visitors.

Diagno Pest Pro Tip:  Remember that, like humans, each cat has its own personality. While a lot of them love to hunt, some won’t even blink when they see a mouse. Some are even scared of mice.

6. Call in Professionals

If the infestation persists despite your efforts, it may be time to bring in the professionals. Pest control experts have the knowledge and tools to assess the extent of the problem and implement effective solutions. They can also provide ongoing prevention strategies to ensure mice stay away for good.

Implementing these strategies will help you bid farewell to those unwanted houseguests. Choose the method or combination of techniques that suits your preferences and needs, and enjoy a pest-free living space.

Diagno Pest Pro Tip: Check out the Google reviews of the pest control service you want to reach out to! Customer feedback provides valuable insights for a confident and reliable selection.


For a mouse-free home and expert pest control services in the Greater Philadelphia Area and Eastern Montgomery, trust Diagno Pest. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing practical solutions tailored to your needs.  

Diagno Pest’s licensed pros will do a preliminary check of your home to figure out how bad the infestation is and find any openings that mice could be using to get inside.

After that, our mouse control expert will suggest a treatment plan that uses integrated pest management methods that have been shown to work in the field. Your Diagno Pest Control expert will work with you to find a good answer to your mouse problem that considers your home, the infestation, and other factors.

We’ll also shut off any holes we find to keep mice from coming back into your home. You can also make an appointment for the Diagno Pest team to come back at regular times to check for mice and lower the chances of an invasion happening again.

Get your house mice-free today by a qualified Diagno Pest expert.  Schedule your appointment today!


How do I know if I have a mouse infestation?

Signs of a mouse infestation include droppings, gnaw marks, and evidence of nesting. You may also hear scratching or scurrying sounds in walls or ceilings.

Can I use poison to get rid of mice?

While poison can be effective, it poses risks to children and pets. Consider alternative methods first, and if using poison, do so cautiously and according to product instructions.

Can I eliminate a mouse infestation on my own?

While it’s possible to eliminate a mouse infestation on your own, it’s often more effective to hire a professional pest control company. Our team has the knowledge, experience, and tools needed to eliminate the infestation and prevent future occurrences.

How much does mice extermination cost?

In Diagno Pest, our goal is 100% eradication on initial service by our rodent exterminators. We’ll advise you if a follow-up is recommended after our initial appointment. Here’s our pricelist:

  • $360 For Houses- comes with a free follow-up visit and a six-months guarantee.
  • $270 For Apartments-comes with a free follow-up visit and a six-months guarantee.
  • 50% For Next-Door Units

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